Download OpenAPI specification:Download
REST API for Omnistrate Fleet
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId | string Example: instanceId=instance-12345678 The instance ID of the workflow |
nextPageToken | string Example: nextPageToken=token The next token to use for pagination |
pageSize | integer <int64> Example: pageSize=10 The number of resources to return per page |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "nextPageToken": "Sed vero.",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "workflows": [
- {
- "ResourceCount": 3682878071606485500,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Nemo dolore iure nobis dolor similique.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
}, - {
- "ResourceCount": 3682878071606485500,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Nemo dolore iure nobis dolor similique.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
}, - {
- "ResourceCount": 3682878071606485500,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Nemo dolore iure nobis dolor similique.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
{- "ActiveWorkflowCount": 2344543989761238000,
- "CompletedWorkflowCount": 5885159775195930000,
- "FailedWorkflowCount": 7800971028578282000,
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46 ID of the ServiceWorkflow |
{- "ResourceCount": 4608440074873916400,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Asperiores tempora inventore rerum dolorem totam.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46 ID of the ServiceWorkflow |
{- "Resources": [
- {
- "actionHookDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "computeDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "configurationStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "infraDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "monitoringStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "networkDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "storageDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"
}, - {
- "actionHookDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "computeDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "configurationStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "infraDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "monitoringStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "networkDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "storageDeploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"
], - "Workflow": {
- "ResourceCount": 3682878071606485500,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Nemo dolore iure nobis dolor similique.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
}, - "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46 ID of the ServiceWorkflow |
status required | string The status of the workflow execution. |
{- "status": "Pause"
{- "ResourceCount": 249177989269012740,
- "UpdatedBy": "Anonymous",
- "UpdatedReason": "Customer requested termination.",
- "WorkflowType": "Service deployment.",
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "orgName": "my-org",
- "parentId": "Animi amet culpa et.",
- "planType": "my-plan",
- "servicePlanName": "my-product-tier-plan",
- "startTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46 ID of the ServiceWorkflow |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "id": "submit-create-instance-plan-instance-50h74sj46",
- "resources": [
- {
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "resourceKey": "db",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "workflowSteps": [
- {
- "events": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepStarted",
- "message": "Bootstrap started"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepCompleted",
- "message": "Bootstrap completed"
], - "stepName": "Bootstrap"
}, - {
- "events": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:02:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepStarted",
- "message": "Compute deployment started"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:03:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepCompleted",
- "message": "Compute deployment completed"
], - "stepName": "Compute"
}, - {
- "events": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:04:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepStarted",
- "message": "Network deployment started"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:05:00Z",
- "eventType": "WorkflowStepFailed",
- "message": "Details of the failure"
], - "stepName": "Network"
], - "serviceId": "s-12345678"
serviceProviderId required | string Example: omnistrate The service provider ID |
serviceKey required | string Example: service-orchestration The service name |
serviceAPIVersion required | string Example: v1 The service API version |
serviceEnvironmentKey required | string Example: dev The service environment name |
serviceModelKey required | string Example: hosted The service model name |
productTierKey required | string Example: premium The product tier name |
id required | string Example: instance-abcd1234 The instance ID |
serviceProviderId required | string Example: omnistrate The service provider ID |
serviceKey required | string Example: service-orchestration The service name |
serviceAPIVersion required | string Example: v1 The service API version |
serviceEnvironmentKey required | string Example: dev The service environment name |
serviceModelKey required | string Example: hosted The service model name |
productTierKey required | string Example: premium The product tier name |
sourceResourceKey required | string Example: mysql The serverless resource key |
cloud_provider | string The cloud provider name |
region | string The region code |
requestParams | any The request parameters |
{- "cloud_provider": "aws",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "requestParams": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
{- "id": "Omnis mollitia dolorem labore."
serviceProviderId required | string Example: omnistrate The service provider ID |
serviceKey required | string Example: service-orchestration The service name |
serviceAPIVersion required | string Example: v1 The service API version |
serviceEnvironmentKey required | string Example: dev The service environment name |
serviceModelKey required | string Example: hosted The service model name |
productTierKey required | string Example: premium The product tier name |
resourceKey required | string Example: mysql The resource key |
cloud_provider | string The cloud provider name |
custom_network_id | string Custom network for resource |
network_type | string The network type |
productTierVersion | string The product tier version |
region | string The region code |
requestParams | any The request parameters |
subscriptionId | string The subscription ID |
{- "cloud_provider": "aws",
- "custom_network_id": "n-1234567890",
- "productTierVersion": "1.0",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "requestParams": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "subscriptionId": "sub-12345678"
{- "id": "Quo laborum neque quas delectus."
query required | string The search query. |
{- "query": "foo"
{- "deploymentCellResults": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "description": "The Deployment Cell is hosted in us-east-2 on aws.",
- "id": "hc-12345",
- "regionCode": "us-east-2",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService"
], - "notificationResults": [
- {
- "description": "Deployment completed",
- "id": "event-12345",
- "name": "Deployment",
- "priority": "Low",
- "resourceName": "postgres",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "time": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "type": "SuccessfulDeployment"
], - "proxyInstanceResults": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "description": "My proxy.",
- "id": "i-12345",
- "managed": true,
- "managedResourceType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "portsRegistrationStatus": {
- "instance-123": [
- 30000,
- 30001
], - "instance-456": [
- 30002,
- 30003
}, - "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "regionCode": "us-west-1",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "status": "Running",
- "statusDescription": "Instance is running.",
- "targetResourceName": "postgres"
], - "resourceInstanceResults": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "description": "My proxy.",
- "id": "i-12345",
- "managed": true,
- "managedResourceType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "portsRegistrationStatus": {
- "instance-123": [
- 30000,
- 30001
], - "instance-456": [
- 30002,
- 30003
}, - "productTierId": "pt-12345",
- "productTierName": "free",
- "productTierVersion": "2.0",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "regionCode": "us-west-1",
- "resourceName": "postgres",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "status": "Running",
- "statusDescription": "Instance is running.",
- "subscriptionID": "sub-12345"
], - "resourceResults": [
- {
- "description": "The Resource is hosted in us-east-2 on aws.",
- "id": "i-12345",
- "name": "postgres",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345",
- "productTierName": "prod",
- "serviceApiId": "sa-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceModelId": "sm-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService"
], - "serverlessProxyResults": [
- {
- "description": "My serverless proxy.",
- "id": "r-12345",
- "managed": false,
- "managedResourceType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "name": "proxy",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345",
- "productTierName": "prod",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "serviceApiId": "sa-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceModelId": "sm-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService"
], - "servicePlanResults": [
- {
- "deploymentType": "CUSTOMER_HOSTED",
- "description": "The postgres service plan.",
- "id": "pt-12345",
- "name": "postgres",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "version": "2.0",
- "versionSetStatus": "Active"
], - "serviceResults": [
- {
- "description": "My Postgres Service",
- "id": "s-12345678",
- "name": "MyService"
], - "subscriptionResults": [
- {
- "id": "sub-12345",
- "orgID": "org-12345",
- "productTierID": "pt-12345",
- "rootUserEmail": "",
- "rootUserID": "user-12345",
- "rootUserName": "bob",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "servicePlanName": "prod",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
], - "upgradePathResults": [
- {
- "id": "upgrade-12345",
- "productTierID": "pt-12345",
- "productTierName": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS"
], - "userResults": [
- {
- "email": "",
- "external": false,
- "id": "user-12345",
- "name": "Bob",
- "orgName": "Bob's Organization"
], - "workflowResults": [
- {
- "id": "submit-update-instance-abcdefgh",
- "resourceName": "postgres",
- "serviceEnvironmentID": "se-12345",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "MyEnvironment",
- "serviceEnvironmentType": "PROD",
- "serviceID": "s-12345",
- "serviceName": "MyService",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "type": "Service deployment"
orgId | string Example: orgId=org-12345678 Org Id |
visibility | string Example: visibility=PRIVATE The visibility of service offering |
{- "ConsumptionListServiceOfferingsResult": {
- "nextPageToken": "next-token",
- "serviceIds": [
- "s-12345678",
- "s-abcdefgh"
], - "services": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "isDeprecated": false,
- "offerings": [
- {
- "assets": {
}, - "billingPlans": [
- {
- "maxNumberofInstances": 4
], - "productTierName": "Premium",
- "productTierURLKey": "premium",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-12345678",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PRIVATE",
- "serviceModelName": "Bring Your Own Account",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "byoa"
}, - {
- "productTierName": "Basic",
- "productTierURLKey": "basic",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-abcdefgh",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PUBLIC",
- "serviceModelName": "Hosted",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "hosted"
], - "serviceDescription": "MySQL is a relational database",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceName": "MySQL",
- "serviceOrgId": "org-12345678",
- "serviceProviderId": "sp-9zrg9W8Are",
- "serviceProviderName": "Omnistrate, Inc.",
- "serviceURLKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "isDeprecated": false,
- "offerings": [
- {
- "assets": {
}, - "billingPlans": [
- {
- "maxNumberofInstances": 4
], - "productTierName": "Premium",
- "productTierURLKey": "premium",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-12345678",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PRIVATE",
- "serviceModelName": "Bring Your Own Account",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "byoa"
}, - {
- "productTierName": "Basic",
- "productTierURLKey": "basic",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-abcdefgh",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PUBLIC",
- "serviceModelName": "Hosted",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "hosted"
], - "serviceDescription": "MySQL is a relational database",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceName": "MySQL",
- "serviceOrgId": "org-12345678",
- "serviceProviderId": "sp-9zrg9W8Are",
- "serviceProviderName": "Omnistrate, Inc.",
- "serviceURLKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "isDeprecated": false,
- "offerings": [
- {
- "assets": {
}, - "billingPlans": [
- {
- "maxNumberofInstances": 4
], - "productTierName": "Premium",
- "productTierURLKey": "premium",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-12345678",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PRIVATE",
- "serviceModelName": "Bring Your Own Account",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "byoa"
}, - {
- "productTierName": "Basic",
- "productTierURLKey": "basic",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-abcdefgh",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PUBLIC",
- "serviceModelName": "Hosted",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "hosted"
], - "serviceDescription": "MySQL is a relational database",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceName": "MySQL",
- "serviceOrgId": "org-12345678",
- "serviceProviderId": "sp-9zrg9W8Are",
- "serviceProviderName": "Omnistrate, Inc.",
- "serviceURLKey": "mysql"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID |
visibility | string Example: visibility=PRIVATE The visibility of service offering |
productTierId | string Example: productTierId=pt-12345678 The product tier Id |
productTierVersion | string Example: productTierVersion=1.0.0 The product tier version |
{- "ConsumptionDescribeServiceOfferingResult": {
- "createdAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "isDeprecated": false,
- "offerings": [
- {
- "assets": {
}, - "billingPlans": [
- {
- "maxNumberofInstances": 4
], - "productTierName": "Premium",
- "productTierURLKey": "premium",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-12345678",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PRIVATE",
- "serviceModelName": "Bring Your Own Account",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "byoa"
}, - {
- "productTierName": "Basic",
- "productTierURLKey": "basic",
- "resourceParameters": [
- {
- "name": "MySQL",
- "urlKey": "mysql"
}, - {
- "name": "Redis",
- "urlKey": "redis"
], - "serviceAPIID": "sa-abcdefgh",
- "serviceAPIVersion": "v1",
- "serviceEnvironmentName": "Production",
- "serviceEnvironmentURLKey": "prod",
- "serviceEnvironmentVisibility": "PUBLIC",
- "serviceModelName": "Hosted",
- "serviceModelURLKey": "hosted"
], - "serviceDescription": "MySQL is a relational database",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceName": "MySQL",
- "serviceOrgId": "org-12345678",
- "serviceProviderId": "sp-9zrg9W8Are",
- "serviceProviderName": "Omnistrate, Inc.",
- "serviceURLKey": "mysql"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID |
resourceId required | string Example: r-12345678 The resource ID |
instanceId required | string Default: "none" Example: instance-12345678 The instance ID |
productTierId | string Example: productTierId=pt-12345678 The product tier Id |
productTierVersion | string Example: productTierVersion=1.0.0 The product tier version |
{- "ConsumptionDescribeServiceOfferingResourceResult": {
- "apis": [
- {
- "inputParameters": [
- {
- "defaultValue": null,
- "description": "The name of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Name",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverName",
- "modifiable": true,
- "options": null,
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - {
- "defaultValue": "option1",
- "description": "The type of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Type",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverType",
- "modifiable": true,
- "options": [
- "option1",
- "option2"
], - "required": true,
- "type": "string"
], - "outputParameters": [
- {
- "description": "The name of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Name",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverName",
- "type": "string"
}, - {
- "description": "The type of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Type",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverType",
- "type": "string"
], - "verb": "create"
}, - {
- "inputParameters": [
- {
- "defaultValue": null,
- "description": "The name of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Name",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverName",
- "modifiable": true,
- "options": null,
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
], - "outputParameters": [
- {
- "description": "The name of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Name",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverName",
- "type": "string"
}, - {
- "description": "The type of the server",
- "displayName": "Server Type",
- "isList": false,
- "key": "serverType",
- "type": "string"
], - "verb": "describe"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
resourceKey required | string Example: http-service The resource key |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
resourceKey required | string Example: http-service The resource key |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
customDNS required | string The custom DNS to add |
targetPort | integer <int64> The target port |
{- "customDNS": "",
- "targetPort": 8080
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: hc-12345678 The host cluster ID |
{- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "hc-12345678",
- "instanceID": "instance-12345678",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "status": "READY",
- "type": "Kubernetes"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
id required | string Example: hc-12345678 The host cluster ID |
{- "expirationTimestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "token": "token"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
{- "hostClusters": [
- {
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "hc-12345678",
- "instanceID": "instance-12345678",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "status": "READY",
- "type": "Kubernetes"
}, - {
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "hc-12345678",
- "instanceID": "instance-12345678",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "status": "READY",
- "type": "Kubernetes"
}, - {
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "id": "hc-12345678",
- "instanceID": "instance-12345678",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "status": "READY",
- "type": "Kubernetes"
], - "ids": [
- "sub-12345678",
- "sub-abcdefgh",
- "sub-1234efgh"
], - "nextPageToken": "next-token"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
{- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "consumptionResourceInstanceResult": {
- "active": true,
- "autoscalingEnabled": true,
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "backupStatus": {
- "backupPeriodInHours": 2,
- "backupRetentionInDays": 7,
- "earliestRestoreTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "lastBackupTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
}, - "cloud_provider": "aws",
- "created_at": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "createdByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "createdByUserName": "John Doe",
- "currentReplicas": "2",
- "customNetworkDetail": {
- "cidr": "",
- "id": "n-12345678",
- "name": "Prod us-east-1"
}, - "detailedNetworkTopology": {
- "r-abcd1234": {
- "allowedIPRanges": [
- ""
], - "clusterEndpoint": "",
- "clusterPorts": [
- 3306
], - "main": true,
- "networkingType": "PUBLIC",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "availabilityZone": "us-east-2a",
- "endpoint": "",
- "healthStatus": "healthy",
- "id": "primary-0",
- "ports": [
- 3306
], - "status": "RUNNING"
], - "privateNetworkCIDR": "",
- "privateNetworkID": "n-1234abcd",
- "publiclyAccessible": true,
- "resourceKey": "primary",
- "resourceName": "Primary MySQL Instance"
}, - "externalPayerId": "external-payer-id-1234",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "highAvailability": true,
- "id": "instance-abcd1234",
- "instanceLoadStatus": "Tenetur corrupti corrupti deleniti nulla.",
- "kubernetesDashboardEndpoint": {
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678"
}, - "last_modified_at": "2023-01-20T00:00:00Z",
- "maxReplicas": "1",
- "minReplicas": "1",
- "network_type": "PUBLIC",
- "productTierFeatures": {
- "BILLING": {
- "enabled": false
}, - "LOGS": {
- "auth": {
- "password": "px3c4d5f6g7h8i",
- "username": "abcd1234"
}, - "enabled": true,
- "websocketBaseUrl": "wss://"
}, - "METRICS": {
- "enabled": false
}, - "region": "us-east-1",
- "result_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "serverlessEnabled": true,
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "subscriptionId": "sub-abcd1234"
}, - "defaultSubscription": true,
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678",
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "input_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "instanceDebugCommands": [
- "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-cluster --region us-west-2",
- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
], - "integrationsStatus": [
- {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
], - "managedResourceType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "organizationId": "org-12345678",
- "organizationName": "my-org",
- "portsRegistrationStatus": {
- "instance-123": [
- 30000,
- 30001
], - "instance-456": [
- 30002,
- 30003
}, - "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierName": "premium",
- "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "resourceVersionSummaries": [
- {
- "capabilities": [
- {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
], - "externalResource": true,
- "latestVersion": "2.0",
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "resourceName": "asserts-server",
- "version": "1.0"
}, - {
- "capabilities": [
- {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
], - "externalResource": true,
- "latestVersion": "2.0",
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "resourceName": "asserts-server",
- "version": "1.0"
], - "serviceEnvName": "dev",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceLogoURL": "Et consequatur.",
- "serviceModelId": "sm-12345678",
- "serviceModelName": "hosted",
- "serviceModelType": "OMNISTRATE_HOSTED",
- "serviceName": "mysql",
- "subscriptionId": "sub-12345678",
- "subscriptionOwnerName": "John Doe",
- "tierVersion": "1.0",
- "tierVersionReleasedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "tierVersionReleasedByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "tierVersionReleasedByUserName": "John Doe",
- "tierVersionStatus": "Preferred|Active|Deprecated|Pending"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
requestParams | any The request parameters |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "requestParams": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
capacityToBeAdded required | integer <int64> Number of replicas to be added |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "capacityToBeAdded": 3,
- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "nextPageToken": "next-token",
- "resources": [
- {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "instanceCount": 2,
- "name": "asserts-server",
- "perVersionInstanceCount": {
- "1.0": 2,
- "1.1": 2,
- "2.0": 2
}, - "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceModelType": "OMNISTRATE_HOSTED",
- "version": "2.0",
- "versionHistory": [
- "1.0",
- "1.1",
- "2.0"
}, - {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "instanceCount": 2,
- "name": "asserts-server",
- "perVersionInstanceCount": {
- "1.0": 2,
- "1.1": 2,
- "2.0": 2
}, - "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceModelType": "OMNISTRATE_HOSTED",
- "version": "2.0",
- "versionHistory": [
- "1.0",
- "1.1",
- "2.0"
}, - {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "instanceCount": 2,
- "name": "asserts-server",
- "perVersionInstanceCount": {
- "1.0": 2,
- "1.1": 2,
- "2.0": 2
}, - "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "resourceId": "r-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "serviceModelType": "OMNISTRATE_HOSTED",
- "version": "2.0",
- "versionHistory": [
- "1.0",
- "1.1",
- "2.0"
], - "serviceId": "s-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
id required | string Example: event-12345678 The ID of the event |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "eventSource": "Customer, Infra or Maintenance",
- "id": "event-12345678",
- "instanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "message": "instance-abcd1234 created",
- "orgId": "org-12345678",
- "orgName": "Acme Corporation",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "time": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "userId": "user-12345678",
- "userName": "John Doe",
- "workflowFailures": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "message": "Bootstrap failed for reason X"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "message": "Compute failed for reason Y"
], - "workflowId": "workflow-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
startTime | string Example: startTime=2023-01-10T00:00:00Z Filter events that occurred after this time |
endTime | string Example: endTime=2023-01-10T00:00:00Z Filter events that occurred before this time |
{- "events": [
- {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "eventSource": "Customer, Infra or Maintenance",
- "id": "event-12345678",
- "instanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "message": "instance-abcd1234 created",
- "orgId": "org-12345678",
- "orgName": "Acme Corporation",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "time": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "userId": "user-12345678",
- "userName": "John Doe",
- "workflowFailures": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "message": "Bootstrap failed for reason X"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "message": "Compute failed for reason Y"
], - "workflowId": "workflow-12345678"
}, - {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "eventSource": "Customer, Infra or Maintenance",
- "id": "event-12345678",
- "instanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "message": "instance-abcd1234 created",
- "orgId": "org-12345678",
- "orgName": "Acme Corporation",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "time": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "userId": "user-12345678",
- "userName": "John Doe",
- "workflowFailures": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "message": "Bootstrap failed for reason X"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "message": "Compute failed for reason Y"
], - "workflowId": "workflow-12345678"
}, - {
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "eventSource": "Customer, Infra or Maintenance",
- "id": "event-12345678",
- "instanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "message": "instance-abcd1234 created",
- "orgId": "org-12345678",
- "orgName": "Acme Corporation",
- "resourceName": "Galera",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "time": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "userId": "user-12345678",
- "userName": "John Doe",
- "workflowFailures": [
- {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "message": "Bootstrap failed for reason X"
}, - {
- "eventTime": "2020-01-01T00:01:00Z",
- "message": "Compute failed for reason Y"
], - "workflowId": "workflow-12345678"
], - "ids": [
- "event-12345678"
], - "nextPageToken": "token"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
failedReplicaAction | string The failed replica action |
failedReplicaID required | string The failed replica ID |
{- "failedReplicaAction": "FAILOVER_AND_RESTART",
- "failedReplicaID": "db-0"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "nextPageToken": "next-token",
- "resourceInstances": [
- {
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "consumptionResourceInstanceResult": {
- "active": true,
- "autoscalingEnabled": true,
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "backupStatus": {
- "backupPeriodInHours": 2,
- "backupRetentionInDays": 7,
- "earliestRestoreTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "lastBackupTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
}, - "cloud_provider": "aws",
- "created_at": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "createdByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "createdByUserName": "John Doe",
- "currentReplicas": "2",
- "customNetworkDetail": {
- "cidr": "",
- "id": "n-12345678",
- "name": "Prod us-east-1"
}, - "detailedNetworkTopology": {
- "r-abcd1234": {
- "allowedIPRanges": [
- ""
], - "clusterEndpoint": "",
- "clusterPorts": [
- 3306
], - "main": true,
- "networkingType": "PUBLIC",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "availabilityZone": "us-east-2a",
- "endpoint": "",
- "healthStatus": "healthy",
- "id": "primary-0",
- "ports": [
- 3306
], - "status": "RUNNING"
], - "privateNetworkCIDR": "",
- "privateNetworkID": "n-1234abcd",
- "publiclyAccessible": true,
- "resourceKey": "primary",
- "resourceName": "Primary MySQL Instance"
}, - "externalPayerId": "external-payer-id-1234",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "highAvailability": true,
- "id": "instance-abcd1234",
- "instanceLoadStatus": "Tenetur corrupti corrupti deleniti nulla.",
- "kubernetesDashboardEndpoint": {
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678"
}, - "last_modified_at": "2023-01-20T00:00:00Z",
- "maxReplicas": "1",
- "minReplicas": "1",
- "network_type": "PUBLIC",
- "productTierFeatures": {
- "BILLING": {
- "enabled": false
}, - "LOGS": {
- "auth": {
- "password": "px3c4d5f6g7h8i",
- "username": "abcd1234"
}, - "enabled": true,
- "websocketBaseUrl": "wss://"
}, - "METRICS": {
- "enabled": false
}, - "region": "us-east-1",
- "result_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "serverlessEnabled": true,
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "subscriptionId": "sub-abcd1234"
}, - "defaultSubscription": true,
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678",
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "input_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "instanceDebugCommands": [
- "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-cluster --region us-west-2",
- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
], - "integrationsStatus": [
- {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
], - "managedResourceType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "organizationId": "org-12345678",
- "organizationName": "my-org",
- "portsRegistrationStatus": {
- "instance-123": [
- 30000,
- 30001
], - "instance-456": [
- 30002,
- 30003
}, - "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierName": "premium",
- "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
- "proxyType": "PortsBasedProxy",
- "resourceVersionSummaries": [
- {
- "capabilities": [
- {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
}, - {
- "capability": "SERVERLESS",
- "configuration": {
- "EnableAutoStop": true,
- "MinimumNodesInPool": 5,
- "PortsMappingProxyConfig": {
- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
}, - "ProxyId": "r-123456",
- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
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- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
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- "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-cluster --region us-west-2",
- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
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- {
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "subscriptionOwnerName": "John Doe",
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- "tierVersionReleasedByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "tierVersionReleasedByUserName": "John Doe",
- "tierVersionStatus": "Preferred|Active|Deprecated|Pending"
], - "serviceId": "s-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
capacityToBeRemoved required | integer <int64> Number of replicas to be removed |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "capacityToBeRemoved": 3,
- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
targetRestoreTime required | string The target restore time |
{- "targetRestoreTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
{- "completeTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierVersion": "1.0",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "snapshotId": "instance-ss-12345678",
- "status": "completed"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
network_type | string The network type |
targetRestoreTime required | string The target restore time |
- "targetRestoreTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
{- "id": "Itaque magni."
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
{- "snapshots": [
- {
- "completeTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "createdTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "encrypted": true,
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierVersion": "1.0",
- "progress": 99,
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "snapshotId": "instance-ss-12345678",
- "sourceInstanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "status": "completed"
}, - {
- "completeTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "createdTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "encrypted": true,
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierVersion": "1.0",
- "progress": 99,
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "snapshotId": "instance-ss-12345678",
- "sourceInstanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "status": "completed"
}, - {
- "completeTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "createdTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "encrypted": true,
- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "productTierId": "pt-12345678",
- "productTierVersion": "1.0",
- "progress": 99,
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "snapshotId": "instance-ss-12345678",
- "sourceInstanceId": "instance-12345678",
- "status": "completed"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "serviceId": "s-12345678",
- "snapshotId": "instance-ss-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
snapshotId required | string Example: instance-ss-12345678 The instance snapshot ID |
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
instanceId required | string Example: instance-12345678 The resource instance ID. |
resourceId required | string The resource ID. |
{- "resourceId": "r-12345678"
serviceId required | string Example: s-12345678 The service ID this workflow belongs to. |
environmentId required | string Example: se-12345678 The service environment ID this workflow belongs to. |
ProductTierVersion | string Example: ProductTierVersion=Laborum adipisci. Product tier version of the instance to describe. If not specified, the latest version is described. |
ProductTierId | string Example: ProductTierId=Consequatur ipsa fugit minima repellendus. Product tier id of the instance to describe. Needs to specified in combination with the product tier version |
SubscriptionId | string Example: SubscriptionId=Omnis vitae veritatis. Subscription id of the instance to describe. |
{- "environmentId": "se-12345678",
- "nextPageToken": "next-token",
- "resourceInstances": [
- {
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "cloudProvider": "aws",
- "consumptionResourceInstanceResult": {
- "active": true,
- "autoscalingEnabled": true,
- "awsAccountID": "123456789012",
- "backupStatus": {
- "backupPeriodInHours": 2,
- "backupRetentionInDays": 7,
- "earliestRestoreTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "lastBackupTime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
}, - "cloud_provider": "aws",
- "created_at": "2023-01-10T00:00:00Z",
- "createdByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "createdByUserName": "John Doe",
- "currentReplicas": "2",
- "customNetworkDetail": {
- "cidr": "",
- "id": "n-12345678",
- "name": "Prod us-east-1"
}, - "detailedNetworkTopology": {
- "r-abcd1234": {
- "allowedIPRanges": [
- ""
], - "clusterEndpoint": "",
- "clusterPorts": [
- 3306
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- "networkingType": "PUBLIC",
- "nodes": [
- {
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- "endpoint": "",
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- "id": "primary-0",
- "ports": [
- 3306
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- "privateNetworkID": "n-1234abcd",
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- "resourceKey": "primary",
- "resourceName": "Primary MySQL Instance"
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- "highAvailability": true,
- "id": "instance-abcd1234",
- "instanceLoadStatus": "Tenetur corrupti corrupti deleniti nulla.",
- "kubernetesDashboardEndpoint": {
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678"
}, - "last_modified_at": "2023-01-20T00:00:00Z",
- "maxReplicas": "1",
- "minReplicas": "1",
- "network_type": "PUBLIC",
- "productTierFeatures": {
- "BILLING": {
- "enabled": false
}, - "LOGS": {
- "auth": {
- "password": "px3c4d5f6g7h8i",
- "username": "abcd1234"
}, - "enabled": true,
- "websocketBaseUrl": "wss://"
}, - "METRICS": {
- "enabled": false
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- "result_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
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- "status": "RUNNING",
- "subscriptionId": "sub-abcd1234"
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- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "input_params": {
- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
}, - "instanceDebugCommands": [
- "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-cluster --region us-west-2",
- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
], - "integrationsStatus": [
- {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
}, - {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- "instance-123": [
- 30000,
- 30001
], - "instance-456": [
- 30002,
- 30003
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- "productTierName": "premium",
- "productTierType": "OMNISTRATE_DEDICATED",
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- "resourceVersionSummaries": [
- {
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- {
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- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "MaxNumberOfClustersPerProxyInstance": 50,
- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "ReferenceProxyKey": "resource-proxy",
- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "tierVersionReleasedByUserId": "user-12345678",
- "tierVersionReleasedByUserName": "John Doe",
- "tierVersionStatus": "Preferred|Active|Deprecated|Pending"
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- "name": "Prod us-east-1"
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- "r-abcd1234": {
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- ""
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- 3306
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- {
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- "enabled": false
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- "param2": "value2"
}, - "instanceDebugCommands": [
- "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-cluster --region us-west-2",
- "kubectl -n instance-12345678 get pods"
], - "integrationsStatus": [
- {
- "healthStatus": "UNHEALTHY",
- "integrationType": "LOGS",
- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- "message": "missing exporter secret configuration for gcp",
- "scope": "INTERNAL"
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- 30000,
- 30001
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- 30003
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- {
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- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "NumberOfPortsPerCluster": 4
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- "TargetPort": 5432
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- "tierVersionReleasedByUserName": "John Doe",
- "tierVersionStatus": "Preferred|Active|Deprecated|Pending"
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- "name": "Prod us-east-1"
}, - "detailedNetworkTopology": {
- "r-abcd1234": {
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- ""
], - "clusterEndpoint": "",
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- 3306
], - "main": true,
- "networkingType": "PUBLIC",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "availabilityZone": "us-east-2a",
- "endpoint": "",
- "healthStatus": "healthy",
- "id": "primary-0",
- "ports": [
- 3306
], - "status": "RUNNING"
], - "privateNetworkCIDR": "",
- "privateNetworkID": "n-1234abcd",
- "publiclyAccessible": true,
- "resourceKey": "primary",
- "resourceName": "Primary MySQL Instance"
}, - "externalPayerId": "external-payer-id-1234",
- "gcpProjectID": "my-project",
- "highAvailability": true,
- "id": "instance-abcd1234",
- "instanceLoadStatus": "Tenetur corrupti corrupti deleniti nulla.",
- "kubernetesDashboardEndpoint": {
- "deploymentCellID": "hc-12345678"
}, - "last_modified_at": "2023-01-20T00:00:00Z",
- "maxReplicas": "1",
- "minReplicas": "1",
- "network_type": "PUBLIC",
- "productTierFeatures": {